Our Focus

Our Focus

“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” 
- Plato

We believe that the evidence for a Lifestyle Medicine based healthcare is overwhelming.  While the disease based health system waits to implement what is self-evident, we work with you to ensure that our communities have this message now rather than when it's too late. 

To learn more about the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine and evidence supporting Lifestyle Medicine, please see below.

What we start with: Diet

What we focus on:  Lifestyle Medicine Pillars

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

By being mindful and aware of our thoughts and the present moment we can make choices and decisions that promote health and overall well-being. 


The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. Getting the right amount of sleep is the cornerstone of your well-being.

Social Relations

Humans are social by nature. We need social interaction to lead healthy lives. Due to the powerful influence socializing has on health and longevity, it is important to cultivate long-lasting relationships.


Good nutrition is a key factor in developing a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet can help with combating obesity, managing chronic diseases, and enhancing your overall health.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can help with building strength and increasing endurance. Over time, this leads to a more efficient cardiovascular system and improved energy during the day.

Substance Abuse

Staying away from substances such as cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs is essential to a healthier body and community.
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